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Andrew Baity from the Virginia State Police

Episode Description

Welcome to episode 66 of the Hangar Z Podcast. 

In this episode we sit down and chat with Andrew Baity from the Virginia State Police. 

Andrew is a Virginia Military Institute grad who joined the Marine Corps and became a Bell AH-1Z Cobra pilot. 

After Andrew's active service time, he was hired as a civilian pilot for the Virginia State Police. On top of that, Andrew still flys the Bell AH-1Z Cobra as a Marine Force Reservist. 

During this episode Andrews talks about his experience at the Virginia Military Institute, his career as a pilot flying Bell’s AH-1Z Cobra helicopter and his transition to civilian life where he flys a variety of airframes for the Virginia State Police including a new Bell 412.

We would like to thank Bell as they have graciously sponsored this special episode of The Hangar Z Podcast. I am beyond impressed with Bell’s airframes and the people at Bell that provide superb customer service.

We would also like to thank our primary Sponsors Metro Aviation and Shotover as well as our supporters on Patreon.

We have been beyond blessed to be sponsored by such quality companies. 

Metro aviation is such an impressive company from the quality and detail that goes into their aircraft completions like the new H125 Metro completed for our friends at the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, to the family atmosphere that supports their employees. 

We appreciate the support of SHOTOVER Systems and their continuous drive for innovation in the airborne law enforcement sector. If you haven’t seen the with the newly released M2 Multi-Sensor Camera system you are missing out.

The M2 camera offers unparalleled stability, stand-off, image quality, and capability. 

I was able to demo the camera to see the technology first hand. If you would like to demo or even better buy one today so that suspects will stop getting away tomorrow let us know and we will get you in touch with the right people. 

To view some of the highlights from this episode and previous episodes go to our YouTube channel. The link is on our website www.hangarzpodcast.com

Lastly I would like to announce our upcoming leadership summit. We have recruited some of the best leaders in public safety aviation to join us on the podcast to talk about best practices in leadership. I am truly excited to sit down with these industry giants. This episode will be released late January 2023. 

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