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John Fehrs Distinguished Flying Cross Recipient

Episode Description

Join us on this episode as we sit down and chat with John Fehrs, a true legend of the airborne public safety industry. John walks us through his remarkable career as an Army Aviator during the Vietnam War, where he received the Distinguished Flying Cross, to his over 30-year career in public safety aviation, where he served as the Chief Pilot of the Riverside Police Department Aviation Unit and later as the Chief Pilot of the Santa Barbara County Fire & Sheriff’s Joint Aviation Unit. If all of that wasn’t enough, John went on to serve as a government contractor, flying missions in Iraq and Afghanistan for the last 13 years!

All of us who have had the honor to serve in a public safety aviation unit know that we are standing on the shoulders of giants. Those who started and served in these units during the early days of public safety aviation, truly started a legacy that has been handed down to us and we must in turn hand it down to the next generation. One of the goals of our podcast is to honor those in the public safety aviation industry who came before us and on this episode, we are doing just that

Special thanks to our Sponsor CNC Technologies.

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