The Real ResQ: Episode 153 Brad Milliken – International Disaster Response
October 4, 2023 | Hosted By: Jason Quinn
Episode Description
In this episode of The Real ResQ, the podcast welcomes Brad Milliken, an international disaster response coordinator. Milliken previously served in the U.S. Coast Guard and as his career progressed he enjoyed disaster response so much, he took it to the next level.
The first rescue he remembers dealing with was as the new guy in the command center. A sailboat had run aground under a bridge, and was trying to get someone’s attention. The sailors’ tactics worked, because when the phone call came in, the person alerting the Coast Guard said: “It’s raining balls of fire from the sky!”
In this conversation, Milliken recalls another incident he wrote an article about, involving a woman who fell off her boat. The description of the woman was unforgettable to the command center and the crews out searching for her. Milliken starts by telling a couple funny stories about asking the U.S. Navy for help, and about some of their responses. Another story, one with a great punchline, is about a C-130 being cleared to low levels to check on a boat in distress. The podcast also revisits another article Milliken wrote about tourists getting in the way of their ability to help in the aftermath of a disaster. Enjoy!
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